Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Language Of Nature Or A Novelette of Chemicals?

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. —Heraclitus

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. —Plato

Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. —Plato

He was a wise man who invented beer. —Plato

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.

These are quotes I have not known prior to today. I searched for quotes that touched on ideas that I want to convey. The first quote listed here is an interesting one. It can be summed up in two words: LIFE MOVES. Or LIFE CHANGES. We are not constant and no things are constant. Everything is change. If we accept that perhaps we would feel more courage as we approach new horizons. We see ourselves and others day after day and notice little change. Our eyes, nose, mouth, hair, general appearance all looks the same. Yet the molecules which make us are always moving and changing. Like a candle's flame—it appears the same but never is. It is a constant, present action. Always changing. Our perception sees it as the flame atop a candle. We are the candle flame. People tend to create problems around change. It is this our inability to let go that creates conflict. It is involuntary to appear consistent on the outside, we don't DO that. We want to allow our beliefs to move like the river through us. Flowing like a stream and not stagnating. To become attached to any belief is akin to consciously trying to awaken from a dream and retain the feelings, images, special powers, deceased loved ones, in the waking world. Like a bubble floating in the air—it is perfect and round, yet temporary and fleeting. We witness it only and when we attempt to touch it, hold it or capture it, the bubble bursts and disappears. All we can do is witness change and accept change. This is important for all endeavors in life. As you begin to seek change in your health, you must accept the changes you will go through. Both pleasant and unpleasant.

The journey of detoxification and restoration of health has its challenges. However, the rewards are far greater. Try not to identify you or your story with this process. The process of returning to health, therefore nature, is a nobel task. There is no greater goal than to achieve health and consciousness in this life. You can and will, depending on your commitment to this process experience health in ways you never thought imaginable. One day you awaken and look back on your life as though it were a dream. The vibrance and potency and freedom you feel is simply not comprehensible until you've experienced the transformation. Me describing this is like trying to describe color to the blind. Or the taste of chocolate to someone that hasn't yet tasted it. Or describing the taste of chocolate at all! Allow the ebbs and flows of the river of change. We must first allow the body to contract and squeeze our the waste from the tissue, organs and cells. As this process is happening we may experience some minor unpleasant moments. When we're at the gym, we don't always love the process. Sometimes it hurts, or we don't feel so strong, or have less endurance. Still, we persist for the positive outcome. Treat this process the same way and you will feel the MIRACLE of DEEP TISSUE CLEANSING. You will rejuvenate, restore and live free of illness.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. —Plato I included this for application to our current crisis of progressive thinking. We seem to play follow the leader. This game is a metaphor of power ruling people. We follow the leader like sheep follow their herder. The problem is we are following power that is afraid of the light. I don't meant to get "New Age-y" on you all. The light can be thought of as change. Change for the betterment of all people. Change is needed now because we are faced with a multitude of problems, which require new perspectives and a more enlightened approach. One that is inclusive and not exclusive. One that unites and doesn't separate. Why do we believe some of us are worthy of freedom, liberty, justice, salvation, etc., and not everyone? Why do we see some of the creatures of this planet as "expendable" or unimportant. Why do we turn a blind eye to the abject, base mistreatment and punishment, which borders on torture of our animals. Which we then eat! Can we not see another way? Do we need that much meat, poultry and dairy to be produced in this country? There are many arguments supporting our current way of life. But know this: it takes one hundred gallons of water to produce one pound of ground beef. This includes the foods being fed to the cows. Which, as we know isn't even real anymore. They eat genetically created "fictional food." Meat eaters eat contaminated flesh. These animals are quickly becoming mutants. We creating one thousand pound calves and pigs. Super-sized animals. This is darkness. This is wrong for so many reasons. We can no longer live with this veil blinding us from the truth. We don't see our livestock roaming free, living happy lives. We see these beautiful, innocent creatures being treated as if they are insignificant. As if they are separate from us. We all come from the same place. The reason no court can stop the unethical treatment of animals (for food production) is because the the methods being used are the most "COST EFFECTIVE!"

Sadly, our judicial system, you know, the same one that let the LIRR murderer defend himself, as a lawyer. Protects these corporations. Our judicial system also allowed O.J. Simpson to walk free, when the evidence proving his guilt were plain for all to see. His wife's blood lead to him. It was in his car, on his clothes! Yet he walked free. Why? Because money talks and BS walks. Which means, if you have enough money you can get away with murdering your wife! How then do we expect our animals to be treated well. Besides, it's just a burger, or bacon, or cold cuts. Notice how the cow and pig are removed. Who would sit down to a nice breakfast of chicken embryos with some nice pig strips?

Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. —Plato
If we operate with truth as the basis for all we do, we would see total collapse of the system we call society. Our economy would crumble. Our infrastructure would topple. Our international relations would indeed change. With truth there could be no justification of invasion of another country or abject behavior of a super power over far less powerful nations. We would not witness the great subjugation of indigenous people. If truth were the foundation there would be no room for religious intolerance. No need for ideological wars or fighting. No need for religious persecution. All religions would then see the similarities in the doctrines of the each philosophies. Not the subtle differences. Most religions are saying the same thing. However, throughout the millennia, man has translated the original writings, somewhat inaccurately. Wether for the changing times or to create law beyond law. To try to impose control over a people. To keep people from knowing, we are abundantly powerful and need no church or clergyman to be faithful or knowledgeable. When cultural ideology is removed from the pundit's message and truth is spoken, no power or control over individuals can exist. Everyone, all creatures would be considered equally important. Because everything plays a role in our world. Ecologically and energetically. We use dishonesty for wealth, power and control. We build enormous empires on lies, greed, blood and torture. This is why, eventually empires crumble. I'm not preaching some dreamy utopian society. But perhaps a shift toward truth and honesty, in small doses would begin to shine some light on our otherwise not so bright "future." I know I said the future doesn't exist. It doesn't. But to use the concept of future, which grows out of the now, we see how our tomorrow is a continuation of unconsciousness and insanity, from the results of our unconsciousness in the now.

He was a wise man who invented beer. —Plato
I had to include this one. Even the wisest people of our existence liked a little escape. There is a great Oscar Wilde quote I'd like to include for support of this uncharacteristic quote from Plato. "Life is too important to be taken seriously!" I'm not saying beer is healthy. I just couldn't believe that one of our earliest philosophers wrote that one. A sense of humor is most important to our survival. Laughter is more healing than vitamins or medicine.

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.
Of course I saved this for last. I did so because we are faced with so much misinformation or disinformation. The information being packaged, marketed, sold, traded and ingested by the people. We, the majority, who have the least, fill the pockets of the pimps of society. I call them pimps because there is no difference between the exploitive behavior of the pimp over the prostitute. We are not prostitutes. We are however, exploited. Through our ignorance and fear, the powerful corporations and institutions we rely upon for so many aspects of our life, exploit our weaker position. We learn from our doctors. teachers, leaders, etc. I feel, through my paranoia, perhaps there is no person, group or organization that protects the people from the harm being done by our profiteering medical industry, our food producers, pharmaceutical industry, politicians and religious leaders. Imagine a organization designed to filter through "industrious" manipulative thinking. Pointing out truth or warning us of falsehoods. What is the harm in protecting people? Most of these industries rely on our ignorance and fear, which makes us more easily manipulated and dependent on their lies.

Do not take the word "industry" lightly. We once had a medical "community," but instead have an industry. Industry as in "industrial revolution," means to produce with precise machinations, products for the good of society. My definition. As I've stated quite a few times previously—we can produce much more for much less. Profit is created when these items sell. What if they aren't sold? Look in the stores you shop in. How much of what is sold is necessary for life, survival, growth and expansion of human life, consciousness. Very little. Even the bare necessities are killing us. Our soaps, toothpaste, deodorants, powders, moisturizers, perfumes, etc., all are created with profit only in mind and not the greater good of the consumer and the companies that produce these products. Thankfully there are alternatives for the consumer to look toward for refuge from the poisonous products created to be aids. Yet even the health products contain dangerous ingredients. Everyone uses filler. Another "side effect" type word. Filler sounds like some kind of benign substance which fills out a product. Excuses are made in defense of the inclusion of otherwise harmful chemicals.

Since we have no protective agencies that really do anything for the people we must be our own investigators. Learn the language of nature. I know that which we produce is of nature. Without our interference, there is nature. We are of nature and so should our foods and supportive products. If products have lots of words that look greek, either look up the meanings of the words for the truth or put the product down till you're sure. Most likely these products are filled with harmful chemicals, which fatten the quantity and thin our the quality. Shampoo's are the worst of the bunch. Products need their own chapter in this endless search for our new frontier. Our natural frontier. So learn the language of nature. This will also teach you the language of chemicals. There you will once again be moving toward "independent health." Free of the lies, pesticides, hormones, herbicides, fillers, additives, preservatives, and so on. Remember, if it doesn't exist in nature, we don't need it and probably shouldn't use it. Our products should at least be made up of fewer, natural ingredients rather than a novelette of chemicals.
Be well.
Tom DeVito

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